Law Office of Lowell Steiger

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Are You Getting Cheated By Your Boss?

I know it’s hard to believe but sometimes employees get cheated by their boss! Big companies, as well as small, have a responsibility to follow the law. This means that under certain circumstances they must pay overtime, provide meal breaks and rest periods, reimburse you for money that you have laid out for required uniforms, pay you for travel time and, depending on the circumstances, cannot take back commissions paid to you if a sale is canceled. This is just a small sampling of the obligations that your employer (or former employer) has to you as their employee — more… Read More

Legal Nurse Consultants

Legal Nurse Consultants play a very important role in personal injury and medical malpractice cases with significant medical issues.  They are trained to pour through volumes of medical records and, frankly, make sense out of them. I have used Legal Nurse Consultants in my practice and find that they provide invaluable insight into the often complex medical issues that are inherent in most personal injury and medical malpractice cases. I would like to invite Legal Nurse Consultants to post comments in this section to help further illustrate what they see as their role in these cases.  Naturally, any interesting anecdotes… Read More